The Last Days of the World_peliplat
The Last Days of the World_peliplat
Play trailer

The Last Days of the World (2011)

None | Japan | Japanese | 96 min
Directed by: Eiji Uchida

Kanou is a bored schoolboy. When a small man appears in front of him and announces that the earth will soon be destroyed, Kanou vows to spend the rest of his time doing whatever he wants to do. Kanou smashes his classmate's head and kidnaps Yumi, who Kanou really liked, to have sex. Never having had sex before, he doesn't know what to do. Suddenly, he hears a mysterious voice from the radio saying 'Use your mayonnaise'. On his journey, Kanou meets a middle-aged cos-player who invites him to a party full of strange people. The police arrives and chase Kanou for his crime in the past few days. He is now questioning Kanou whether everything really happened or was just a dream.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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