Agent Hamilton: But Not If It Concerns Your Daughter_peliplat
Agent Hamilton: But Not If It Concerns Your Daughter_peliplat

Agent Hamilton: But Not If It Concerns Your Daughter (2012)

15 (SE) | Sweden | Swedish, English, Arabic | 90 min
Directed by: Tobias Falk

When the chief of Swedish Security Agency Eva Tanguy (Frida Hallgren) avoids an assassination of a political leader that is visiting Sweden, she accepts to give an interview to the press and her words are twisted by the journalists. Soon her seven-year daughter Nathalie (Nadja Christiansson) is kidnapped in a park. The girl is the goddaughter of Carl Hamilton (Mikael Persbrandt) that investigate the case. He follows leads to United Kingdom and finds where Nathalie is and that he should not rely on his secret service that is compromised. He summons Mouna Al Fathar (Saba Mubarak), Nathalie's father Pierre Tanguy (Reuben Sallmander), who was a member of the French Foreign Legion and the mercenary Patrik Wärnstrand (Peter Eggers) to rescue Nathalie from the fortress of the terrorists.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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