Hermanitos del fin del mundo_peliplat
Hermanitos del fin del mundo_peliplat

Hermanitos del fin del mundo (2011)

Atp (AR) | Argentina | Spanish | 86 min
Directed by: Julio Midú

Pato is a music teacher; affectionate and talented, but a bit shy and lacks confidence. Pirucha is an optimistic, albeit clumsy, cook. Both work in an orphanage in Ushuaia where everything is happiness and peace, until one day Malva Dalton, a sleazy billionaire, appears and intends to destroy the place and leave the children on the street. Pato and Pirucha, with the help of the music band "La Pandilla del Sol" (The Sun Gang) and the other workers at the orphanage, will do everything in their power try to save the place.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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