Sold Out_peliplat
Sold Out_peliplat

Sold Out (2011)

None | Greece | Greek | 107 min
Directed by: Eleni Kouzouka, Michalis Yiarimoustas

George and Eve in an effort to obtain a shipping company that will give them more money start a dangerous game that alienates them and fills their lives with insecurity and fear. While presenting an outward image of a harmonious and happy couple actually there are conflicts between them that over the course of the film reaches extremes. This is a movie about everything that is happening around us today. 'Sold Out' is the selling out of conscience, values and ideas in modern society. The lack of contact and communication, lost values and people that stop existing, disappear, when no one is interested in them. The protagonists suffer without reacting.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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