Play trailer

Sathurangam (2011)

PG (SG) | India | Tamil |
Directed by: Karu Pazhaniappan

Thirupathisamy (Srikanth) is an investigative journalist in a Tamil weekly. He goes hammer and tongs in exposing the evil men through his pen. During one such instance, he purposely commits a small crime to land in prison. He studies the situation there and brings to light the corrupt practices and darker side of lives in prisons through his article. Eventually the expose results in the dismissal of a Minister and the jail superintendent. In the meantime, Thiru comes across Indhu (Sonia Agarwal), a college student. Both fall in love. She admires his honest ways. One fateful day she gets kidnapped and a clueless Thiru runs around in search of her. He gets an anonymous phone call informing him that the caller has kidnapped her. There begins a cat and mouse game. Did Thiru trace his lover and settle score with the kidnapper forms the climax.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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