Hitlers Menschenhändler: Juden als Austauschware_peliplat
Hitlers Menschenhändler: Juden als Austauschware_peliplat

Hitlers Menschenhändler: Juden als Austauschware (2011)

None | Germany | German | 52 min
Directed by: Thomas Ammann, Stefan Aust, Caroline Schmidt

The SS chief Heinrich Himmler wanted to exchange Jews against so-called German Reich abroad, against arms sales or for cash - with the express approval of Hitler. Meticulously was registered in the Foreign Office in Berlin, who came into question as living goods for this diabolical business, what kind of people, it was said in a memo in 1943, to exploit low were. The documentary by Thomas Ammann, Stefan Aust and Caroline Schmidt tells the story of those people who survived only because they live useful than dead for the Nazis. They all had been deported to the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen in the Lüneburg Heath, the the murderous concentration camp system of the Nazis had a special function. It served as a detention center for the exchange candidate.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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