Dog Squad_peliplat
Dog Squad_peliplat

Dog Squad (1973)

None | South Africa | English | 87 min
Directed by: Tim Spring

Following the success of 'Flying Squad' (1971) and 'Gold Squad' (1971), Kavalier Films came up with the final feature in an informal trilogy featuring Captain Nick Jansen of the South African Police. This time he is a member of the Dog Squad and the villains are a group of drug dealers, led by Rolly (Kerry Jordan) and Marko (Ian Yule). Jansen becomes involved after he picks up Steve (Eckard Rabe), the younger brother of his new girlfriend Pat Jackson (Gaenor Becker), in a raid on a night club after the boy has swallowed some drugs given to him by Marko. Following a hospital murder and the gang stealing a shipment of drugs from a chemical company, the baddies are eventually tracked down in scenes involving various kidnappings, car chases and shoot-outs, with the canine members of the police playing a role in apprehending them. The film includes two sequences intended to illustrate the dangers of drug addiction.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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