Another Planet_peliplat
Another Planet_peliplat

Another Planet (2011)

None | India, UK | Marathi | 28 min
Directed by: Smita Bhide

A touching and delicate fable about a young girl trapped in an impossible predicament, by award-winning director, Smita Bhide. It presents a fresh and different vision of Child Poverty in India to the slums and sweat-shops we've seen. It's a Tale of Two Indias: the busy urban India of the burgeoning Super-power, and Village India, rural, uneducated, uncared-for, an embarrassment to the modernizers, with one foot dragging in ancient superstition... Nine-year-old Chandi's mother is dying. When the Doctor can't help her, Chandi turns to Old Magic - the Tantrik holy-man who passes through her village each year. But the Tantrik asks a price, a terrible task for Chandi to undertake. No nine-year-old should have to make this choice.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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