Suck it Up Buttercup_peliplat
Suck it Up Buttercup_peliplat

Suck it Up Buttercup (2014)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 87 min
Directed by: Malindi Fickle

When the worlds of addiction, denial, deceit and dementia all suddenly collide one night, the collateral damage from teenage drug use is laid bare. Once an honors student, Jackie Holman is newly addicted to prescription pills. Her father Joe is out of work and in denial about Jackie's addiction. Her mother Ellie, pregnant and working double shifts to keep the family afloat, is also burdened with Jackie's senile grandfather and unaware of her daughter's drug use. A fast moving chain of events unfolds as Jackie, desperate to get her next fix, lies in order to get the money she needs from her father. While she parties and waits for her payday, Joe and Ellie race to save her in a clash that brings out cop cars handcuffs and heartache while testing the family resolve. Grounded in the economic decline and teenage aimlessness that afflicts small town America, SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP is raw, emotional and uncomfortably real.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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