God in Ruins_peliplat
God in Ruins_peliplat

God in Ruins (2012)

None | USA | English | 88 min
Directed by: Jack Martin

'GOD IN RUINS' revolves around finding ones identity in the ludicrous hallways of a high school. Beyond the peer pressure students feel on a daily basis to fit in and belong, what happens when the walls start to close in? Nick Conroy feels those walls bearing down and devises a plan for a school shooting with his only friend, Derrick. After a tragic car accident, Nick suffers from amnesia and has no recollection of the hatred he once felt. Now Derrick must come to terms with his best friends illness. Will he follow through with the original plan? If not, will he confront Nick or will their friendship enter a permanent amnesia?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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