
Tarata (2009)

None | Peru | Spanish | 100 min
Directed by: Fabrizio Aguilar

The film tells the story of a dysfunctional middle-class Lima family who lives in Tarata Street in the district of Miraflores, a place that suffered a terrorist attack in 1992. Daniel, the father, a working man of noble character, works as an accountant for a national university and lives astonished how Peruvian society is divided into two ideological groups due to terrorism. Daniel spends his free time taking notes about advertising messages that are written on the walls of the university. On the other hand, Claudia, his wife, is a woman of strong temperament, loud and suspicious. Sometimes she humiliates Daniel and everything is solved with a cry raised. Sofi, the eldest daughter, is a confused and depressed preteen who spends his days on the roof of his house and Elías thinks every parked car is a car bomb. Their life develop normally until they are caught by the terrorist attack in Tarata Street, which Claudia suffers a great loss that will react to events that happened in front of her for a long time.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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