Un Recuerdo Una Vida Un Sueño_peliplat
Un Recuerdo Una Vida Un Sueño_peliplat

Un Recuerdo Una Vida Un Sueño (2010)

None | Spain | Spanish | 17 min

Laura opens her eyes to find a world in which she no longer fits. Her life has lost all meaning, and she feels incapable of overcoming all of the tragedies that have befallen her. She lives in the past, which causes her to lose contact with what is real and to surrender completely to what is not. The memory of a world in which everything was perfect makes her feel like her current life has no meaning and she cannot stop trying to convert the dream of the past into reality, the dream of being able to go back and find herself once again with the family she has lost.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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