I Hugged the Berlin Patient_peliplat
I Hugged the Berlin Patient_peliplat
Play trailer

I Hugged the Berlin Patient (2013)

NC-16 (SG) | Singapore | English | 73 min
Directed by: Edgar Tang, Dzul Sungit

A documentary film-diary about a spirited cancer survivor from Singapore, Edgar Tang, who plunges into a spontaneous quest to find Timothy Ray Brown a.k.a. 'The Berlin Patient' - the first man in the world actually cured of HIV. With his old friend Dzul Sungit behind the camera, Edgar embarks on a raw and reflective exploration spanning three continents, retracing the medical marvel's life through his favorite city Berlin, the doctor who cured him, and his friends. As details emerge about Timothy's ordeal, beginning with his first risky bone-marrow transplant in 2007, Edgar finds lyrical parallels to his own recovery from Stage III Hodgkins' Lymphoma that same year. Armed with only his instinct and quirky personality, Edgar fleshes out an illogical plan to travel farther, just to hug the man. I Hugged The Berlin Patient is an organic journey about taking chances and making choices, culminating in a riveting face-to-face meet between the two survivors.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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