Hands of Thunder_peliplat
Hands of Thunder_peliplat

Hands of Thunder

None | 90 min
This title has not premiered yet

After the death of their mother, three orphaned brothers, Deter, Gunner, and Sven, were raised by their Nana to become the greatest Swedish hand-clapping disco band that ever lived. With the rise to fame came jealousy and addiction, fueling the rivalry between the two leading brothers. This rivalry lead to the untimely death of Sven, the brother that held the group together, in a tragic hand-clapping accident onstage during their last performance. After that night, the band was broken, and their lives were shattered. After a fall from grace, one brother's whirlwind addiction stripped him of everything, while the other brother worked to rebuild what was left of his broken existence.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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