Visibility Poor: Kuala Lumpur_peliplat
Visibility Poor: Kuala Lumpur_peliplat

Visibility Poor: Kuala Lumpur (2007)

None | USA, Malaysia | 3 min
Directed by: Janis Crystal Lipzin

Visibility Poor: Kuala Lumpur is the opening movement or "sonata" portion of an Asian city symphony. This "city sonata" is constructed from observations from my first travel to a Muslim country, Malaysia. In August, 2007, I presented a solo show of my films, a filmmaking workshop and curated several film screenings in Kuala Lumpur at the invitation of the notthatbalai Art Festival . During my stay there, the infamous twin towers of the Petronas multi-national oil and gas company dominated the skyline even though their visibility was diminished by the atmospheric conditions which were described in daily weather reports as "visibility: poor." - JCL

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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