Deadly Birthday Party_peliplat
Deadly Birthday Party_peliplat

Deadly Birthday Party (2014)

None | Germany | English | 79 min
Directed by: Natu Nimuee

A mysterious Avenger turns up in the neighbourhood. Driven by her strong longing for justice she has made it her duty to eliminate every criminal, liar and traitor in her area who is a threat to society and innocent individuals. After her deed is done, she begins to tell the tale of another avenger, who seems to be in a similar situation but whose motives are a lot different: Marissa's 18th birthday is coming up. She got her parents' permission to celebrate her birthday at home with her friends. Her mother is away on a business trip while her father takes the chance to see his new love. Marissa can finally celebrate her birthday with her friends, undisturbed by her parents. During the party preparations Marissa suffers occasional headache attacks. During these attacks she has visions of her friends committing suicide. Ignoring her headaches she prepares the party. Marissa's guests arrive: Her boyfriend Peter, her best friend Julie and her high school friend Patrick with his ex-girlfriend Vivianne. They spend a good time together, drinking and laughing. During this time, Marissa feels betrayed and she gets to know the truth about her friends. As they are getting drunk, they don't realize that Marissa can hear them, and she then realizes more and more how her friends are plotting behind her back. Marissa's mood changes. She begins to hate them and starts to take revenge.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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