The War I Knew_peliplat
The War I Knew_peliplat

The War I Knew (2014)

R (US) | UK | English | 97 min
Directed by: Ian Vernon

D-Day - Northern France: A British paratroop squad is dropped off-target behind enemy lines and wiped out. Private Johnny Barrows is the only survivor. He's inexperienced, scared, and lost. After days of avoiding German platoons, he is found by a ragtag band of three dysfunctional soldiers: Murphy, their self-proclaimed leader - a vicious, controlling sociopath. Filey, his avid follower - hyperactive and child-like since receiving a head wound. Rock, a silent, muscular 22-year-old, US soldier with combat fatigue lives in a trance and is only able to function if given orders. In the middle of the growing tension between Johnny and Murphy, the group manages to capture a seasoned, manipulative SS sturmbannführer. The SS officer picks away at the growing tensions, biding his time to escape. Johnny must grow up quickly and become a leader if he is to survive and reach safety.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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