Once Upon a Mountain_peliplat
Once Upon a Mountain_peliplat

Once Upon a Mountain (2013)

None | USA, Australia | English | 98 min
Directed by: Reuben Street

Once Upon a Mountain takes us inside the acclaimed Jasper Mountain Residential Treatment Program to find the dedicated people, and the magical setting, that have helped to make a difference for countless maltreated children over the past 30 years. The documentary is an insightful, captivating, moving and above all, educational experience. You will learn what makes a difference in what some experts consider the most effective treatment program for abused children in the world. It provides an inside look at the unique Jasper Mountain program due to the intimate access granted to the film crew. Once Upon a Mountain aims to increase awareness about child maltreatment, and will forever change how you see and understand these children.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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