A man's fingernail is being pulled off with a pliers, obviously a little bit of blood is seen.
A few hanged bodies with bags over their heads are seen.
A bloody severed head is seen in a bag.
A man is shot in the head and falls out of screen, no blood is seen.
A man is stabbed in the neck, some blood is seen.
A dead body with a bullet wound to the abdomen is seen, some blood.
Multiple rotted bodies are seen lying against a wall, with eyes missing and discoloured skin.
Two people in suits are shot in the head, some blood is seen.
A man is shot in the abdomen, the wound is later seen.
A woman is shot in the head, some blood is seen.
A man slams a woman onto the floor, breaking her arm and leg.
A man punches another man multiple times.
A woman's head is blown up, not too gory but a moderate amount of blood splatter is seen.
A woman cuts another woman's arm, some blood is seen.
Two people are caught in a grenade blast. Very bloody scarred tissue is seen on their backs.
A few bodies with missing heads are seen, pools of blood are seen around the top of their necks.
A man's eye socket is caved in with a metal bar, the bloody wound is seen.
Two men's heads are blown up, then a man is completely blown up. Very bloody.
A man and woman shoot at each other, bloody bullet wounds are seen.
A man is chopped in half with a machete, very bloody.
Numerous bodies are seen with missing heads.