The Jewish Cardinal_peliplat
The Jewish Cardinal_peliplat

The Jewish Cardinal (2013)

Not Rated (US) | France | French | 96 min
Directed by: Ilan Duran Cohen

The Jewish Cardinal tells the amazing true story of Jean-Marie Lustiger, the son of Polish-Jewish immigrants, who maintained his cultural identity as a Jew even after converting to Catholicism at a young age, and later joining the priesthood. Quickly rising within the ranks of the Church, Lustiger was appointed Archbishop of Paris by Pope Jean Paul II - and found a new platform to celebrate his dual identity as a Catholic Jew, earning him both friends and enemies from both groups. When Carmelite nuns settle down to build a convent within the cursed walls of Auschwitz, Lustiger finds himself a mediator between the two communities - and may be forced at last to choose his side.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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