The Art of Defining Me_peliplat
The Art of Defining Me_peliplat

The Art of Defining Me (2013)

None | UK | English | 15 min
Directed by: Seeta Patel, Kamala Devam

In a tick box society where identity has become a commodity, this new dance film by Seeta Patel, Kamala Devam and Maria Akesson sees them take a humorous look at how they as artists are influenced by the expectations and definitions placed upon them. Who puts us in these boxes? Society, institutions, individuals or ourselves? Not a simple retaliation, the work observes and comments upon how we embody these expectations to find a certain safety and solace in them, almost enjoying them. But what happens to us when the box becomes our home? Choreographers/dancers Seeta Patel and Kamala Devam join filmmaker Maria Akesson to create a three-part film using dance, physical theatre and original script and sound design.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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