Intrepido: A Lonely Hero_peliplat
Intrepido: A Lonely Hero_peliplat

Intrepido: A Lonely Hero (2013)

T (IT) | Italy | Italian, Albanian | 104 min
Directed by: Gianni Amelio

Set in modern day Milan, this is a Chaplinesque odyssey through the world of work - every type of work, but primarily unskilled manual labor, seen through the eyes of a kind, middle-aged man who takes on every conceivable temporary job in order to be useful and have self respect. Beautifully wrought by master Italian director Gianni Amelio. This really is a portrait of the highs and lows of modern life. At its heart is a sympathetic man (superbly embodied by leading actor Antonio Albanese) who, despite loneliness and personal family problems, especially around his gifted but troubled musician son, remains defiantly optimistic even when terrible things happen to him and the people he meets. With echoes of films like Being Thereand even Zelig, L'Intrepido is gently satirical, acutely observed and, whilst still having the atmosphere of a fable, is replete with a wonderfully appropriate music score.

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