Zum Beispiel Suberg_peliplat
Zum Beispiel Suberg_peliplat
Play trailer

Zum Beispiel Suberg (2013)

10 (CH) | Switzerland | Swiss German | 90 min
Directed by: Simon Baumann

Suberg. 475 meters above the sea, 612 inhabitants. A train station, a school, a tavern and a fertilizer factory. An average village in the Swiss Plateau. Within only three decades, this sleepy farmers' village has turned into an anonymous dormitory village. Simon Baumann has lived in Suberg since he was born. For 32 years, however, the filmmaker has successfully ignored the village and its inhabitants. Unlike his grandfather, who was a central figure in the village, he hardly knows anybody here. The filmmaker wants to change this now and tries to establish contact with the villagers. But how to integrate into a village that offers hardly any village community anymore? And why is it like that? Searching for answers, Simon meets people who have characterized Suberg and its development, deals with the concepts of life of his ancestors and finds with the male choir a last small oasis of community spirit.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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