Women in War Zones: Sexual Violence in the Congo_peliplat
Women in War Zones: Sexual Violence in the Congo_peliplat

Women in War Zones: Sexual Violence in the Congo (2009)

None | USA | English, Swahili, French | 49 min
Directed by: Scott Blanding, Brad Labriola

"Women in War Zones" tells the stories of Helene Wamuzila (22) and Bijoux Mateso (13), two friends and fistula patients at Panzi Hospital who have survived sexual violence and mutilation. Helene reveals the past eight years of being assaulted by multiple rebel groups. She is like an older sister to the younger Bijoux, who is going through surgery and dealing with the realization of what has happened to her.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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