Dragon Guardians_peliplat
Dragon Guardians_peliplat

Dragon Guardians (2013)

PG (US) | Spain | Spanish | 73 min
Directed by: Ángel Izquierdo, Ricardo Ramón

Something spooky is happening in Dragon Hill, and a sudden change in climate has plunged the land into a deep freeze. The fate of the forest rests in the hands of its protector, a little elf named Robin, and his misfit dragon companions. Together, the would-be adventurers must summon a team of guardians to uncover the mystery that threatens their home, and stop an evil dragon before it's too late. Extraños acontecimientos están cambiando el clima en la Colina del Dragón. La caída brusca de las temperaturas ha sumido a la tierra en el frío y la oscuridad. El bosque se muere y Robin, el pequeño Elfo, guardián del bosque, suplica a los dioses ayuda para combatir el mal que amenaza con destruir la vida.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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