Absolutely Chuffed: From Dream to Steam_peliplat
Absolutely Chuffed: From Dream to Steam_peliplat

Absolutely Chuffed: From Dream to Steam (2011)

E (GB) | UK | English | 103 min
Directed by: Marcel Guillou, Tom Ingall

The BBC television programme 'Absolutely Chuffed: The Men Who Built A Steam Engine first told the story and this film goes much further. The original, double award nominated documentary has been in the works and come out, retooled with plenty of unseen footage, giving a new insight into the construction of Tornado! From the original inspirational idea to the running of the Royal train, delve deeper than ever before into the fascinating story of a steaming success. It was the project that took eighteen years, cost three million pounds and finally proved that in railway preservation, anything is possible! This superb documentary film takes an in-depth look at the construction of the 50th Peppercorn Class A1 steam locomotive, No. 60163 'Tornado'. It is an amazing tale of teamwork, co-operation, skill and sheer hard work a dream that became a reality and defied the critics who said it could never be done. A design once lost to the scrapman's torch - what happened when someone had the idea to build a brand new one for service on the UK's main line? Follow the key players with frank interviews and fly on the wall filming. Culminating with spectacular footage of the engine in action, Absolutely Chuffed: From Dream to Steam is the incredible tale of a project that made the world sit up and watch. A story of skill, determination and dedication steeped in the tradition that made Britain famous!

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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