The Reincarnate_peliplat
The Reincarnate_peliplat
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The Reincarnate (2014)

TV-PG (US) | India | Bengali | 150 min
Directed by: Srijit Mukherji

The plot refers to the life of Anthony Firingee (Hensman Anthony), a 19th-century Bengali-language folk-poet of Portuguese origin. Also, the plot has two different time periods: the 19th century and the present day (2013). The protagonist of the film is Rohit, a Gujarati who falls in love with a Bengali woman named Mahamaya. As he goes to study colonial history in Portugal, he decides to study the life of Heynsman Anthony (known as Anthony Firingee) and in the process meets a mysterious man, Kushawl Hajra in Chandernagore.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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