Cracked Foundation_peliplat
Cracked Foundation_peliplat

Cracked Foundation (2013)

None | USA | English | 80 min
Directed by: Aubrey Douglas

Mitchell spent the past eight years trying to erase his childhood, his about to become a father, has no clue how to love, teach, or raise a child. While seeking help for a brighter future, Mitchell meets Brandon at the same mental health facility.. Mitchell and Brandon grows closer, sharing their past, pain, deepest secrets, realizing they have the same type of abusive father. Same abuse, but the behavior affected each differently, Mitchell took the negativity used it like fuel to break away, Brandon allowed the negativity to break him, feeling worthless. As the group therapy session intensifies all the neglect, lies, and alibis start to unravel... Story ends with one unbelievable twist, as "The sins of the father will be visited by son".

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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