The Lost Generation_peliplat
The Lost Generation_peliplat

The Lost Generation (2013)

18 (GB) | UK | English | 86 min
Directed by: Mark Ashmore

Heavily influenced by true events of occupy movements and protests across the world over the past 3 years, The Lost Generation portrays a very entertaining yet relevant depiction of our current media and society. We are invited to follow reality TV star SJ - the inspirational female lead, on an epic fight for survival in a dystopian presentation of our present-day world. The Lost Generation exists in a world governed by a corrupt media who have the police and government in their pocket. Able to scandalize the government through mass surveillance, the media creates propaganda on how to live a life - and leaves desperate civilians in its wake. But there is hope. They are called The Unknown.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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