Kleine Schiffe_peliplat
Kleine Schiffe_peliplat

Kleine Schiffe (2013)

6 (DE) | Germany | German | 89 min
Directed by: Matthias Steurer

Franziska, a 45 years old woman has a great surprise: an unexpected pregnancy, just when his husband is leaving her after 20 years of marriage.She decided to keep this secret of her pregnancy.Some days later she meets in a family planning center Lilli, a 21 years old woman, who is pregnant and has decided to grow alone her baby.Lilli is homeless and sleeps in her workshop.One day Lilli appears before the door of Franziska's house.Franziska accepts to give her a place in her house : at the beginning they have some incidents because Franziska is too orderly and Lilli is too bohemian: but little by little they understand better each other.Then Franziska decides to have her baby.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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