Living with No Regrets_peliplat
Living with No Regrets_peliplat

Living with No Regrets (2013)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 144 min
Directed by: Jamal Hall

In LIVING WITH NO REGRETS (2013) we are introduced to Malcolm Graves (Alonzo Herran Jr.), a young Black man living in urban America. Raised on the rough streets of the City of Newark, New Jersey, he had three strikes against him before making his mark on the world. Growing up in the projects had taught Malcolm at a young age how to be a survivor, and a true survivor he is. Hustling became an art form for Malcolm, and he became a master hustler. Getting money was always his thing, but with more money came more problems. Roll with Malcolm and his crew, Ibn (Usman Sharif), Mark (Hassan Oliver), LQ (Malik Barrett), and Fredro (Raheem Ali) as they rise and suffer through valuable life lessons on how you can never play the game, because the game always plays you.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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