Icarus in Love_peliplat
Icarus in Love_peliplat

Icarus in Love (2013)

None | Australia | English | 7 min
Directed by: Graeme Hattrick

Ethan has Asperger's. Isolated from the world and people, few make sense to him. Amy makes sense. Ever since he can remember. When she is ripped from his world without warning and moved to a private girls school in Sydney, everything he knows is destroyed. Yet this young Icarus will not be defeated. After failing to enlist his mother's help to drive him, 15-year-old Ethan Johnson does something extraordinary. A six-day, dawn-to-dusk bike ride from Brisbane to Sydney. Based on a true story Icarus in Love is a journey of love, courage and Asperger's.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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