Purple Skies_peliplat
Purple Skies_peliplat

Purple Skies (2014)

Not Rated (US) | India | English | 66 min
Directed by: Sridhar Rangayan

Fighting against stereotypes, gender and sexual bias, rigid family values and a law that criminalizes homosexuality, LBT (lesbian, bisexual or trans) people in India face insurmountable challenges to live openly and with dignity. Purple Skies, a feature documentary by award winning filmmaker Sridhar Rangayan, weaves together heartrending stories of LBT people victimized and subjugated by the law, the family and society, as well as hopeful stories of youngsters who have come out of the closet bravely. By placing it in context of the historic struggle of the LGBT community in India, and juxtaposing personal stories with critical analysis of issues by activists and advocates; the film offers a compelling inside view of Indian LBT lives.

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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