Mona kriegt ein Baby_peliplat
Mona kriegt ein Baby_peliplat

Mona kriegt ein Baby (2014)

0 (DE) | Germany | German | 87 min
Directed by: Ben Verbong

Gynaecologist Stefan Lessing (Dominic Raacke) gives sex education classes at the school of his daughter Mona (Stephanie Amarell, "The White Ribbon"). What he does not know is that the young Mona is four months pregnant! When the "bomb explodes", not only mother Judith (Barbara Auer) and siblings react in shock. Mona finds shelter at her kid's father Roman, but he is in love with another woman ... Against all expectations, director Verbong managed to interpolate the story in a middle-class family. In addition, he found a fun shape, without exposing its serious subject.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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