A Whisper in the Dark_peliplat
A Whisper in the Dark_peliplat

A Whisper in the Dark (2015)

Not Rated (US) | USA | English | 90 min
Directed by: James Ian Mair

In the 1970s, a mass murder spree took place in Coldwater, Indiana. Senior Detective John Donovan was able to apprehend the killer, who was executed in the electric chair. In 2014, Ted Granger, a farmer who recently lost his grandson to heart failure, resurrects the deceased killer to wreak havoc on the people who have wronged him over the years. Standing in the way of the murderers is Detective Michael Rives, who races against the clock to discover the origin of the killer and what his next move will be. On the run is Rebecca Watson, a young college student who was watching the farmer's grandson at the time of his death.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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