Silvered Water, Syria Self-Portrait_peliplat
Silvered Water, Syria Self-Portrait_peliplat

Silvered Water, Syria Self-Portrait (2014)

Not Rated (US) | France, Syria, USA, Lebanon | Arabic | 92 min
Directed by: Wiam Bedirxan, Ossama Mohammed

In Syria, everyday, YouTubers film then die; others kill then film. In Paris, driven by my inexhaustible love for Syria, I find that I can only film the sky and edit the footage posted. From within the tension between my estrangement in France and the revolution, an encounter happened. A young Kurdish woman from Homs began to chat with me, asking: 'If your camera were here, in Homs, what would you be filming?'. Silvered Water is the story of that encounter.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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