Detective Dirt_peliplat
Detective Dirt_peliplat

Detective Dirt (2013)

None | USA | English | 75 min
Directed by: Timothy Schweitzer

From the sick and corroded minds of Blaise Impostato comes a tale of gratuitous violence, cannibalism, rape, and ravenous revenge. These new masters of the Slasher Genre would like to introduce you all to Detective Dirt; the one man who has the experience to save a seedy Long Island town from the merciless psychopath. Relish the moments as you soon discover that Dirt's uncanny police skills are both a blessing and a curse as he tracks down a nameless killer who is identifiable by his horrific deeds and unique tattoo. Become absorbed in your darkest and most perverted thoughts, and most importantly don't be afraid to crack a smile, as you subtly pull for dirt to catch his nemesis.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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