Holocaust Cannibal_peliplat
Holocaust Cannibal_peliplat
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Holocaust Cannibal (2014)

None | USA | English | 96 min
Directed by: Bill Zebub

With Adolf Hitler knowing that he is losing the war, a handful of Nazis board a plane bound for Argentina, where they plan to live in hiding. However, a bolt of lightning strikes the aircraft, forcing them to crash-land on an unknown island off the coast of South America. Now, stranded in hostile uncharted territory, trapped in the heart of the green inferno, the Nazis are going to pay for their crimes, as savage warriors of a ferocious indigenous tribe of cannibals pick them off one by one. As a result, humiliation, torture, mutilation, and of course, brutal violation await the Aryan intruders. Can they escape the impending holocaust?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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