Die Papstmacher_peliplat
Die Papstmacher_peliplat

Die Papstmacher (2012)

None | Austria | German | 52 min
Directed by: Peter Beringer

Cardinals are the high nobility of Church, an exclusive circle of about 200 high clerics. The Pope appoints cardinals - and every appointment is a political signal. If a Pope dies, the College of Cardinals elects the successor. And so the Cardinals decide the course the Church will take. In makido's documentary director Peter Beringer asks important cardinals from all over the world, including the Chinese John Tong Hon, the Honduran Rodriguez Maradiaga, the Nigerian John Onaiyekan and the Milanese archbishop Angelo Scala about the future course of the Church, and shows the world they come from, and with it the background of their beliefs and ideas. In the last decades the church headquarters and the College of Cardinals have taken an international stance and accepted an increased variety of opinions and ideas. Will the Church "liberalise", or will other focuses - like a worldwide mission or the coexistence with other religions - force the Church to show a harsher position?

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just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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