The Ascension of Ava Delaine_peliplat
The Ascension of Ava Delaine_peliplat

The Ascension of Ava Delaine (2018)

None | USA | 5 min
Directed by: Tonya Kay

A woman's ascent through the major stages of her life in five visual, stylized, non-verbal vignettes, primarily shown through her apartment windows in a nod to the voyeurism and non-verbal vignette storytelling of "Rear Window" (1954). The technical choice to film in 5 min single-take drone shot takes inspiration from the technical bravura of cinema's iconic uninterrupted shots such as the tracking shot in "Wings" (1927), the illusion of a single take in "Rope" (1948), the almost four-minute continuous shot in "Le Boucher" (1970), and above all the single-take Steadicam filming of "Russian Ark" (2002). However, instead of going deeper into a restaurant, a village or a palace in a horizontal movement, The Ascension of Ava Delaine uses drone technology to tell the a story through vertical movement, following a woman's rise in life as it is externalized through her movement from street level through the five levels of an apartment building.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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