
Conflagration (2019)

None | Switzerland, USA | French, English | 22 min
Directed by: Jean-Clément Gunter

This is the third world war. Half of the world's countries have come into conflict but have not used nuclear weapons so far. Gradually the territories are won by the fighting, which terrifies the populations. In a small town, dull rumblings are heard, the ground trembles. Distraught, people are trying to escape. A small group of them rush into a fallout shelter and lock themselves in. They learn on the radio that chemical bombs have exploded. A toxic substance would have emerged that would infect living beings so violently that it would reduce them to dangerous zombies - Forced to remain in the bunker for at least a fortnight, the time the substance disappears, the occupants will they manage to get along and survive together? What will remain of the world they knew when they came out of the shelter?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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