Tianshan Mountain Trek_peliplat
Tianshan Mountain Trek_peliplat

Tianshan Mountain Trek (1982)

None | China | Mandarin | 102 min
Directed by: Mukui Jing

Zheng meets Li when they go to the countryside together and the two fall in love. Zheng becomes a soldier and goes to Tianshan Mountain and Li returns home. When Zheng comes to Beijing for college studying, he decides to return to Tianshan after graduation. But Li wants Zheng to stay for a better life. Zheng returns to Tianshan finally and Li stays in Beijing. She goes to Tianshan to find Zheng's status under commander's persuasion. The hard living status in Tianshan and cozy city life in Beijing, which one should Li choose?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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