Area 51 Motel_peliplat
Area 51 Motel_peliplat

Area 51 Motel (2017)

None | China, USA | Mandarin | 87 min
Directed by: Colleen Kwok

Set in a rural alien-theme motel named Area 51 in Nevada, the story follows Tiger and Phoenix, a notorious Chinese Bonnie and Clyde living in Vegas, plan on doing their final scheme on the young and wealthy man Hao, a Xenophilia from Beijing. Hao is attached by an alien who successfully escaped from Area 51. At dusk, the couple, the alien, the nefarious family who runs the motel, all gather at Motel 51 with one goal. They however, carry different destiny.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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