Loan Shark Massacre_peliplat
Loan Shark Massacre_peliplat

Loan Shark Massacre (2018)

None | Canada | English | 80 min
Directed by: Devin Burkosky, Robert Burkosky

Tommy Grimes "as Himself" is a rising pop star who has dreams of making it big, but in order to reach the top he's gonna need a little help from the underground. Desperate for the cash to produce his debut album, Tommy resorts to funds from a ruthless loan shark named Tim Simmons "Robert Burkosky". Tommy soon lands himself on Tim Simmons' hit list after avoiding to pay back the loan. A series of unfortunate events rapidly unfold in what will be the ultimate showdown of the century.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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