The Holy Heist_peliplat
The Holy Heist_peliplat
Play trailer

The Holy Heist (2020)

None | USA | 88 min
Directed by: Brigham McNeely

Adrenaline junkie James Jefferson and his wild brothers Jack and Bobby love to break all the rules of simple country living. Keeping his illicit activities from his God- fearin' momma and maintaining a low profile from a prying local detective, James has his hands full. When the Jefferson brothers discover that their momma is ill and about to lose her home, their brotherly bond begins to unravel. James, desperate not to walk in his old man's footsteps, must find a way to make his family whole again. Taking justice into his own hands leads him and his brothers down a very narrow path - just not quite the one they expect.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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