Roald Amundsens Sydpolsferd (1910-1912)_peliplat
Roald Amundsens Sydpolsferd (1910-1912)_peliplat

Roald Amundsens Sydpolsferd (1910-1912) (1912)

7 (NO) | Norway | None, Norwegian | 41 min

This film contains the Norwegian polar explorer Roald Amundsen's (1872-1928) original footage from the South Pole expedition that took place between 1910 and 1912. It was with this expedition that Roald Amundsen was credited with having discovered the point of the South Pole - a race in which many were involved. Amundsen arranged for it to be filmed during the expedition to the South Pole, so that he could later use it in his lecture tours. The film was a popular feature in his lectures, and he drew full houses in Norway and Europe with these - even in England, the home country of competitor Robert F. Scott. This is a unique film history release from the journey where Amundsen wrote world history. The film has been newly restored and has newly recorded music, so it can be experienced as it was shown during the premiere in 1912. UNESCO's international register Memory of the World is an overview of documentary heritage of particularly great importance to humanity as a whole. Roald Amundsen's footage from the South Pole is one of the very few films in this register.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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