The Defender_peliplat
The Defender_peliplat

The Defender (2018)

None | Taiwan | Chinese | 88 min
Directed by: Shih-Han Tsao

Li Hui-zhen, who is a public defense counsel at a court, takes over a murder case involving teenagers of Ah-cheng. But the existing evidence is unfavorable to defendant. Seeing that the courtroom procedures are merely formalities, it seems as if Ah-cheng will certainly be found guilty. With the grandmother frantically seeking leniency, Hui-zhen is moved and decides to seek help from former criminal policeman. However, with everyone's testimony, the material evidence, and the judge's opinion going against her, how can Hui-zhen deal with and reverse her weak position?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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