The Glory of Emptiness_peliplat
The Glory of Emptiness_peliplat

The Glory of Emptiness (2022)

None | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Bosnian | 100 min
Directed by: Jasmin Durakovic

Middle-aged Sado leaves his wife, family, mistress, hoping for a new life. The only thing he brings with him to his new apartment are books. But he soon realizes that he is missing some important books. He finds a notebook with a list of debtors of his books and begins the search for those people and books. At the same time, other important things happen to him, he loses his job in the museum, but he also meets a student who lives in the building where he is. He enters into a strange love-sexual relationship with her. People linking to the books he searches for in different ways are dying. It all becomes one very intricate story in which the circle of the dead expands. The socially lost Sado has the only foothold in his friendship with an old conceptual artist who sells a emptiness in his gallery. Police are investigating the case and Sado is the target, as someone who could be to blame for all those deaths.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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