A Winter Princess_peliplat
A Winter Princess_peliplat
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A Winter Princess (2019)

TV-G (US) | USA, Canada | English | 82 min
Directed by: Allan Harmon

When Carly plans Snowden Peak's Snow Ball with Jesse, their attraction is undeniable. But when Carly's twin, Prince Gustav, arrives her royal identity is nearly exposed. As Jesse and Carly decide to hold the ball at Summit Lodge, they make the gala a fundraiser to turn the resort into a year-round destination. But without a celebrity draw, investors aren't interested, and Snowden Peak is put up for sale. Too bad no one knows any royalty who could entice affluent socialites to the gala, which could raise enough money to make Snowden Peak a four-season resort for royalty and commoners alike.

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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