
Buddy (2018)

None | Russia | Russian |
Directed by: Alexander Malinin

Alexey spent half of his life for military service. Returning back home he suspects that his wife is cheating on him. Alexey's best friend strongly supports his doubts. From some point of time, the revenge has become the main idea and purpose of his life. Alexey set up a bomb and want to blow up the house when wife and her lover will be there. But at the reality, Alexey has a mental disorder and his confidence about wife's unfaithfulness totally wrong. And his best friend is a unique form of hallucination due to strong shock during a combat mission. The imaginary friend finally has got a total control under Alexey. A doctor helped Alexey to split imagine and the real world. Will Alexey have time to save wife's life when he has the only a couple of minutes before the explosion?

Info mistake?
just for fixed width,It is an identification bit and cannot be deleted!!!!!
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